
Consuming Cannabis: Microdosing 101

Finding the right dose of cannabis can give you the therapeutic benefits of the plant without interfering with your daily routine.

Ellementa Holiday Gift Guide

Brighten someone's holiday season with these cannabis-related gifts! Whether you are buying for the Cannabis Curious or the Connoisseur, these gifts are sure to please.

HerCannaLife: Adelia Carrillo, Direct Cannabis Network

Women come to cannabis for a myriad of reasons. Telling our stories is essential to help eliminate the stigma around cannabis that prevents women from getting access to the information – and products and services – they want or need. We’re…

California, Here We Come! Meet Us This Weekend…

We've launched Ellementa in 12 cities to date!

Women and Cannabis Wellness in New York City

I'm blown away. I don't know how else to express the power of the first Ellementa New York City Gathering. First, the space was amazing. The Alchemist's Kitchen on 1st Street offers herbal remedies, botanical medicines, and whole plant tinctures…

The Power of Taking Women Seriously

I never thought I would be into cannabis, my experience was that it was a smokable party drug and I'm both not a smoker or the partying type. "I'm high on life," has been my standard answer when declining the inevitably passed joint at…

HerCannaLife: Sirita Wright, Estrohaze

Cannabis opened my spirit to another world. It enhanced my thinking, and I was getting the wisdom I needed to make my next moves.

Ellementa Portland Women’s Cannabis Gathering

It’s a testament to the mission of Ellementa to see women who didn’t arrive together leave into the night in little groups, as new friends and co-collaborators of the community, armed with new information and ideas to strengthen us all.

Help Us Grow Ellementa to Bring Cannabis Wellness to Women

Your contribution - no matter how big or how small - can help bring Ellementa Gatherings to YOUR city and to more women in need of better information about cannabis for health and wellness.