January is about Cannabis and Self-Care
No matter what is happening politically, women are eager to learn more about cannabis - and we're here to provide the best and most relevant information for all of our specific needs.

Denver Gathering on June 7th
We’re excited to announce that both Aliza Sherman and Melissa Pierce, Ellementa co-founders, will be at the first Denver Gathering on Wednesday, June 7 at Postmodern!

Where is Cannabis Legal?
Remember the 80s? That decade brought us Flashdance, Scrunchies and big hair, and the War on Drugs with the slogan “Just Say No.”
Fast-forward to 2017, and state governments are revisiting their marijuana laws and realizing that the ancient…

Creating the Best Cannabis Experience For You
This article is brought to you by KOAN, creator of Koan Cordials: cannabis blends crafted with cannabinoids, terpenes and botanicals precisely calibrated to improve your well-being. The founders of Koan believe the core value of Cannabis…

How to Decarboxylate Cannabis in Your Instapot
Instant Pots are a big win for those of us who want to make our own cannabis edibles, tinctures, and tonics but would rather our houses not smell like a college dorm. It's a virtually odor free way to decarboxylate your flower. We show you how to decarboxylate your cannabis in your instapot!

Essential Cannabis and CBD Book – Ellementa
“This book couldn’t have come out at a better time. Today is the day we need to be speaking openly about cannabis as medicine.”
— Ricki Lake & Abby Epstein, Filmmakers, Weed the People

Cannabinoids are why cannabis is medicine
The most well known cannabinoids in cannabis are THC and CBD, but there are others that contribute to the effects – and therapeutic properties – of the cannabis plant. Here are some common cannabinoids in cannabis and the therapeutic benefits they may have.

Consuming Cannabis: Microdosing 101
Finding the right dose of cannabis can give you the therapeutic benefits of the plant without interfering with your daily routine.

Consuming Cannabis: Edibles 101
Remember that time in college when you ate a pot brownie and got really high? Maybe it was fun, maybe you felt a little nauseous, you giggled, or you were a bit paranoid, you were so relaxed, or a little out of control. That was then.

Elements of Cannabis: Terpenes 101
Some of the elements in cannabis include Cannabinoids as well as Terpenes. Terpenes are naturally occurring elements found in not only cannabis but a variety of plants including conifers. Terpenes are also produced by some insects like the swallowtail butterfly.

Elements of Cannabis: Cannabinoids 101
Cannabis, like any medicinal plant, consists of various compounds that can interact with the human body when consumed or applied topically.
The main compounds of the Cannabis plant are phytocannabinoids, more commonly referred to as cannabinoids.…

Consuming Cannabis: Vaping 101
Don’t worry – we didn’t know what vaping was either!
Vaping means inhaling the vapor of cannabis flower or oil heated at a low, more controlled temperature to avoid combustion (burning) using special vape pens. This is different from…