Hear from a physician who brings cannabis coaching into her practice for a more holistic approach to health and wellness.
In this 1-hour webinar, you will learn:
1. How acute pain differs from chronic pain.
2. How using cannabis for chronic pain os different than using other pain medications.
3. How she incorporates coaching with her medical cannabis patients.
4. How treating anxiety can alter pain.
Remember to sign up even if you can’t attend the live broadcast. All registrants receive a free video of the entire session.
You deserve to feel better. We hope you’ll join us to gain a better understanding about cannabis wellness.
GUEST EXPERT: Dr. Bridget Williams, Owner @Green Harvest Health
Dr. Bridget Williams is the owner of Green Harvest Health, a medical cannabis clinic located near Columbus, OH. Green Harvest Health is the only medical cannabis clinic in Ohio with life and wellness coaching incorporated into the practice. Dr. Williams brings nearly 20 years of experience in family and occupational medicine from Cleveland Clinic and training in life and cannabis coaching to her practice. Dr. Bridget provides valuable talks on medical cannabis, CBD, life balance and confidence. In 2019, Dr Bridget branched out into developing her own line of CBD products and teaching at the Cleveland School of Cannabis.