January is about Cannabis and Self-Care
No matter what is happening politically, women are eager to learn more about cannabis - and we're here to provide the best and most relevant information for all of our specific needs.

Denver Gathering on June 7th
We’re excited to announce that both Aliza Sherman and Melissa Pierce, Ellementa co-founders, will be at the first Denver Gathering on Wednesday, June 7 at Postmodern!

Where is Cannabis Legal?
Remember the 80s? That decade brought us Flashdance, Scrunchies and big hair, and the War on Drugs with the slogan “Just Say No.”
Fast-forward to 2017, and state governments are revisiting their marijuana laws and realizing that the ancient…

Microdosing Cannabis May Be Key for Women
Microdosing is consuming low doses of THC repeatedly over time. For many women, low doses of THC are a part of their regular health routine to manage stress, anxiety and other ailments.

Boosting Your Mood With Cannabis
Mood swings, anxiety, depression – hormonal changes can wreak havoc on your mental and emotional state. Whether you're experiencing PMS or in the throes of menopause, cannabis can offer relief.

Cannabinoids: Your Keys to Cannabis Wellness
Our goal at Ellementa is to empower you with better information about cannabis for health and wellness. We connect you with trusted cannabis experts and brands producing quality products that believe, like we do, in education first. What's the point of buying a product if you don't understand how it works or even how to use it?

Love Yourself With Cannabis: THC
“Weed lubes” are cannabis-infused sensual aids that enhance sex and bring relief to women, particularly during peri-menopause and menopause. But where do you get them?

Women, Baby Boomers Embracing Cannabis? We know!
As laws continue to change in favor of legalization, women will be at the forefront of the growth of the cannabis industry as powerful and discerning consumers and caregivers, wallets in hands, ready to bring a new natural medicine into their homes.

Cannabis, Women and Painful Sex
We've all heard that women experience vaginal dryness after menopause, but what some of us on the Ellementa team have experienced goes way beyond a moisture-free environment.

Why My Next Book is About Cannabis
Bringing better information about cannabis and CBD to everyone is a core focus of what I've been doing over the last three years. Writing a book about cannabis was the next logical step.

Cannabinoids are why cannabis is medicine
The most well known cannabinoids in cannabis are THC and CBD, but there are others that contribute to the effects – and therapeutic properties – of the cannabis plant. Here are some common cannabinoids in cannabis and the therapeutic benefits they may have.

How to pick a vaporizer – by Liza Therkelsen
Think back to the first time you consumed cannabis. It might’ve been a slightly flattened joint pulled from the back pocket of a friend at a concert. Or from a bong at a party. You might’ve opted for a home-cooked brownie.

Study: Women Who Use Cannabis Have More Sex
Is the stereotype of the couch-locked stoner turning you off from cannabis? If you’ve held back from trying cannabis because you’re afraid it will be detrimental to your sex life, we’ve got good news for you