January is about Cannabis and Self-Care
No matter what is happening politically, women are eager to learn more about cannabis - and we're here to provide the best and most relevant information for all of our specific needs.

Denver Gathering on June 7th
We’re excited to announce that both Aliza Sherman and Melissa Pierce, Ellementa co-founders, will be at the first Denver Gathering on Wednesday, June 7 at Postmodern!

Where is Cannabis Legal?
Remember the 80s? That decade brought us Flashdance, Scrunchies and big hair, and the War on Drugs with the slogan “Just Say No.”
Fast-forward to 2017, and state governments are revisiting their marijuana laws and realizing that the ancient…

Can You Use Cannabis to Banish Burnout?
Ask anyone who uses cannabis and they’ll describe that it makes them feel more relaxed, less stressed, less anxious. Can Cannabis can be used to banish burnout?

Shopping for CBD – 4 Questions You Should Always Ask
How Clean is Your CBD?
It's important to know how your CBD is grown and treated when shopping for CBD. Not all CBD is created equal, and not all CBD is sourced from the same variety of the plant species Cannabis sativa. The hemp plant, from…

Psychedelics and Mental Health – Take a (psychedelic) Trip for Your Health
Mental illness still holds a tremendous stigma in our society, and for the Hispanic community, it is something to remain unspoken.

Cannabis and Grief – Can Cannabis and CBD Really Help With Grief?
Cannabis and Grief - Can Cannabis and CBD Really Help With Grief? Grief is not "one-size-all." Grief is not a finite experience but an ever-changing, ongoing journey. Grief can be on the surface and so deeply rooted at a cellular level. Grief…

Microdosing Cannabis for a More Blissful Menopause
Night sweats. Anxiety. Irritability. Sleeplessness. Brain fog. Sound familiar? These are common symptoms of menopause, changes in women’s bodies that signal the end of our reproductive years.

4 CBD Oils for a Stress-Free Life
You're probably hearing a lot about CBD and wondering if it is something you should be taking. We can't tell you what to take, but we can tell you that we've tried a lot of CBD products to date...

Can You Get High from CBD?
We don't mean to freak you out or to imply that CBD will get you "high" like THC does, but when it comes to science, the term psychoactive means "affecting the mind," and if you read the research on CBD, it does affect the mind.

Boosting Your Mood With Cannabis
Mood swings, anxiety, depression – hormonal changes can wreak havoc on your mental and emotional state. Whether you're experiencing PMS or in the throes of menopause, cannabis can offer relief.

Cannabis and Mental Health in Women
Women are turning to cannabinoids to help manage everything from hormonal emotional shifts to mood disorders and chronic anxiety -- and they’re finding it safer and more effective than the pharmaceuticals they used to take.