Clean-up your event space, and thank venue for hosting. If they waived their rental fee, make sure to post a thank you publicly and tag them.
Notify Ellementa Inc. of final tally – attendees, photos, and any highlights via our online Post Gathering Recap form.
OPTIONAL BUT A GOOD IDEA: You are welcome to write a wrap up post with photos that we will publish (or republish if you post to your own blog or site) on
Make sure you have another Gathering scheduled and start prepping within 3- 4 weeks of that start date.
We will send you a Revenue Recap within 30 days of your Gathering, sooner when possible. In some cases, payments are dependent on sponsors paying in full first. We make best efforts to pay in a timely manner. Recaps mostly contain:
% you will receive from admissions – we use the net amount Eventbrite provides us 1-2 business days after your Gathering (total collected through registration less Eventbrite’s fees that are passed on to registrants).
Reimbursement for approved expenses – these must be approved in advance.