Tag Archive for: tincture

January is about Cannabis and Self-Care

No matter what is happening politically, women are eager to learn more about cannabis - and we're here to provide the best and most relevant information for all of our specific needs.

Denver Gathering on June 7th

We’re excited to announce that both Aliza Sherman and Melissa Pierce, Ellementa co-founders, will be at the first Denver Gathering on Wednesday, June 7 at Postmodern!

Where is Cannabis Legal?

Remember the 80s? That decade brought us Flashdance, Scrunchies and big hair, and the War on Drugs with the slogan “Just Say No.” Fast-forward to 2017, and state governments are revisiting their marijuana laws and realizing that the ancient…
How Bioavailable is Your CBD and Plant Medicine
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How Bioavailable is Your CBD and Plant Medicine?

How Bioavailable is Your CBD and Plant Medicine?   With the popularity of CBD oils or “tinctures,” it was inevitable for other ingestible forms of CBD to crop up. Manufacturers are processing CBD in a variety of ways to try to increase…

Rational Hemp Review: The Taste of Effective CBD

Rational Hemp Review Remember when you were younger and had to take your medicine but didn’t like the taste of it? Or maybe you were given the cherry or grape flavored kind, where the fruitiness masked the bitterness, and you actually liked…

Ellementa’s Holiday Gift Guide

‘Tis the season for gift giving, although these gifts are perfect for giving any time. Ellementa is your guide to discovering high-quality products from reputable companies.