Directions For Use:

Directions For Use:

  1.  In total, we are asking you to test 4 servings within the next 12 days. It’s important you only test 1 serving of one CannaBlendz product per day.
  2. Match the cannabis and your activities with the benefit of the CannaBlendz you’re testing, i.e., don’t pair an energizing CannaBlendz like High Performance with a sedating Indica before a long movie. Do not start a test less than 3 hours before you intend to go to bed
  3. Make sure you are already familiar with the effects of the cannabis you use, so you can compare the effects of CannaBlendz.
  4. For edibles, consume your THC and 2-piece serving of CannaBlendz at the same time. For inhaled cannabis, consume CannaBlendz 30 minutes beforehand so it comes on shortly afterwards.
  5. Towards the end of each trial, fill out the scorecard on the back of the Information Card.
  6. Repeat on separate days until you have completed all 4 trials.