What do you know about home funerals?
Or after-death body care?
What is a death doula?
Is there such a thing as good grief?
These are questions about topics none of us want to think about, but we all should.
On Sunday, September 11th, we’ll be speaking with Marilynn Manzutto, an end-of-life doula and grief recovery specialist, who will compassionately help us gain a better understanding of home funerals, after-death body care, death doulas, and the complexities of grief.
This promises to be a powerful and emotional episode of “The Ellementa Show.” Join host, Aliza Sherman, as we explore grief and end-of-life care. This will be a tough subject for all of us. Bring an open mind and a brave heart.
Marilynn Manzutto is an end-of-life doula and grief recovery specialist who is childlike at heart – free to follow her inspirations and to acknowledge and create beauty in all settings. She’s honored and privileged to help others regain access to parts of themselves that somehow seem to have escaped, and she feels filled with gratitude to be with someone on the worst day of their life – to tend to and deeply care – in the moments that matter most.